Uh oh: Study says ‘collapsing’ Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica melting from geothermal heat, not ‘climate change’ effects

Watts Up With That?

ThwaitesTongue-600x423[1]Remember the wailing from Suzanne Goldenberg over the “collapse” of the Thwaites glacier blaming man-made CO2 effects and the smackdown given to the claim on WUWT?

Well, never mind. From the University of Texas at Austin  and the “you can stop your wailing now” department, comes this really, really, inconvenient truth.

Researchers find major West Antarctic glacier melting from geothermal sources

AUSTIN, Texas — Thwaites Glacier, the large, rapidly changing outlet of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, is not only being eroded by the ocean, it’s being melted from below by geothermal heat, researchers at the Institute for Geophysics at The University of Texas at Austin (UTIG) report in the current edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The findings significantly change the understanding of conditions beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet where accurate information has previously been unobtainable.

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One thought on “Uh oh: Study says ‘collapsing’ Thwaites Glacier in Antarctica melting from geothermal heat, not ‘climate change’ effects

  1. 1) What the climate “experts” say about climate change is no where near the truth.

    2) Most of climate change is the result of volcanic eruptions on the sea floor and volcanic eruptions below the ice sheets –

    this unusually high volumes of volcanic heat is warming the oceans which results in the rapid melting of the ice shelves while simultaneously causing rapid evaporation of the oceans because the waters are so unusually warm – this rapid evaporation results in record rainfall and flood devastation of homes, crops, roads, bridges, lives, etc. –

    those who think geothermal heat below the ice sheets is a separate issue from climate change can be written off as a complete idiot – as most climate “scientists” are.

    3) “The findings significantly change the understanding of conditions beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet where accurate information has previously been unobtainable.”

    Pardon me –

    beneath the Antarctic ice and snow are hundreds of glacial lakes –

    what do you suppose is keeping those lakes from freezing?

    Thwaites glacier has several “burners” that are causing rapid melting. Totten glacier, Pine Island glacier, Jakobshavn glacier… all the glaciers are melting because of the heat from the volcanoes below them – and/or nearby on the sea floor.

    Over 50 glaciers in Antarctica are rapidly melting –

    while the ice shelves below them are being are looking more like Swiss cheese because the warm ocean waters are drilling river tunnels – nearly a thousand feet high into the ice shelves while glacial ponds are drilling river tunnels downward from on top.

    What do you suppose will happen when the ice shelves collapse and glaciers – the size of Pennsylvania – crash into the ocean.

    Ponder on that for a bit.

    And pause a moment to consider the 444 nuclear reactors and the thousands of nuclear waste storage tanks that will be decimated.

    I already packed and left.


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